Hanno Berger – Founder and Chairperson

After working in the travel world for a long time, he decided to stop doing so in 2009 to co-found Stichting Dierennood. As chairman, he handles the daily emails and maintains telephone contacts. Processes the donations weekly and puts them on the website. Compiles advertisements and sends the newsletters. Has 1 dog (from Serbia) and 1 cat (from Spain) at home in Brunssum (South Limburg).
His email address: hanno@dierennood.nl

Responsible for: 1st line contact person, donation processing, management of volunteer team, advertisements, information brochures, newsletter, etc.

Ancillary positions: Mediates volunteers through these websites: www.dierenstages.nl, www.dierenvrijwilligers.nl and www.vetstudents.eu

Ria Alonso

Ineke Franssen - Secretary/Treasurer

Lives in Den Bosch with various sheltered stray animals from different countries. Is the financial expert in our team. Ensures that the received donations and legacies are transferred to the various carefully selected animal helpers in countries around the world.

In addition, maintains contacts with many aid workers in various countries, especially with the shelters for long-distance adoptions.

Is also our editor for checking all texts that are published on our website and in the newsletters.

Her email address: ineke@dierennood.nl

Responsible for: Payments, coordination of remote adoptions and editor.

Ancillary positions: none.